Shogun 2 yari wall
Shogun 2 yari wall

shogun 2 yari wall shogun 2 yari wall

Garrison's do not have to have generals but can only have one of each type of unit. I have seen this played where you can have many small stacks of basic units all re-enforcing each other but I am trying to get away from that so I will be playing it at a harder level saying non-garrison armies (so offensive armies) have to be lead by a general, and can only have one of each unit type in them. The Diversity challenge is playing the game where each army is only allowed one of each type of unit in it. So to start let me explain the challenge. I will post thoughts, progress, and strategy here as I go. In this case we will be playing Shogun 2 Total war vanilla with the Sengoku Jidai Unit Pack. What a challenge is playing the game with an artificial self imposed restriction on yourself to make the game more fun or challenging. So I have been watching some youtubers who do a lot of Shogun 2 challenges.

Shogun 2 yari wall